Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi

Sri maha bodhiya is a specialty here that, this highly sacred Bodhi could be seen and worshipped by anyone without hindrance. The Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi of Anuradhapura being the southern branch of that sacred Bodhi tree is the second most special reason. 

This sacred tree has been planted in the historical Maha Megha Vana Royal Park in Anuradhapura in the month of December. The sacred Bodhi sapling has been ceremonially brought here by Arahant Sanghamitta Maha Theree, under instructions of Arahant Mihindu Maha Thero. King Devanampiyatissa who ruled Sri Lanka in this period has planted this Bodhi tree with great pageantry in the Maha Megha Vana Royal Park dedicated to the venerable bhikkhus. The present age of the Anuradhapura Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi is 2,247 years.

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